there are some miner Difference between Thrombosis and Atheroma. here we explain the Thrombosis and Atheroma there symptoms , causes, effects and treatments.
Introduction of thrombosis
If the blood starts to clot during circulation it is called thrombosis and clots blood clots called “thrombosis”
Spots of Thrombosis
- In the veins of the legs.
- In the aorta.
- In the arteries of the brain
- In the arteries of heart
- And in the arteries of different organs.
Deep vein thrombosis

Causes of Thrombosis
- Due to injury
- Due to changes in the blood
- Arthritis patients get this disease .
- due to narrowing of the blood vessels.
- Due to slow blood flow
- Due to an opration
- Changes in the structure if blood vessels.
- Due to Aatroma(Atheroma occurs due to the excuess of of cholesterol in the blood vessels, which causes the narrowing of the vessels. This is called atheroma.)
Symptoms of Thrombosis
- Swelling on effected area
- The pain on effected area
- Repid pulse
- The transformation of the thrombus into an abscess.
- The patient has blood in the sputum.
- Tharmbus often causes fever.
- Having high blood pressure.
- Gangrene can also occur due to Thrombosis
- Blood vessels become influmed due to thrombosis
Treatment of Thrombosis
The standard of care for the treatment of acute DVT is blood thinning medication (anticoagulation) such as heparin and warfarin (Coumadin). Blood thinning medications work by allowing blood to flow around a trapped clot while at the same time preventing clot from travelling to the lungs.
Important instruction for the patients
- Advice patient to get complet bed rest
- Food should be easily digesetible so as not cause constipation.
- Limit the consumption of the food containing calcium and vitamin a
- Avoid starchy foods.
- Give fibrous food fruits.
- Control cholesterol.
Test of Thrombosis
The same tests are to be done for this disease as for cholesterol.

Introduction of Atheroma
In this disease, yellow hard substance of the of the first color begins to accumulate inside the arteries due to which arteries beign to narrow.
Important places of atheroma (sites of atheroma)
- In the arteries of the brain.
- In the arteries of the heart.
- In the abdominal aorta.
- Renal arteries
- In the arteries of upper and lower part of the body
Causes of Atheroma
- This disease is more common due to obesity.
- Over use of meat and fats
- Due to over use of smaoke , tea, coffe, and vine
- This diease is more pulper in men then women
- Due to high blood pressures
- Due to living an unnatural life
- Due to diabetes.
- This disease can also be hereditary.
Effects of Atheroma
As we know that in this disease, the arteries are narrowed and obviously the blood is not supplied to the body in its full amount form the narrow arteries , due ti which the following things are observed.
- Myocardial infaraction
- Occurrence of necrosis. (nerosis :if a oart of the body is ot properly supplied with blood if found the part turns blue as well as cools and eventually dies that is it decomposes. This condition is called gangrene and the condition before decomposotopm called Necrossaus.)
- Gangrene occurred
- Pain in body
- High rate of control in blood
Treatment of Atheroma
The treatment of this dises is also same with thramabosis Thrombosis and Atheroma
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