Introduction of heart pain

The arteries of the heart supply blood. If they are narrow , heart pain occurs because the narrowed arteries do not supply the blood with the heart needs. The disease is called “angina pectora” in medical language and in English we say “cry of the heart “
Reasons (etiology) Heart Pain
- In old age, the arteries of the heart called carotid arteries, become narrowed.
- Due to sugar, these arteries begin to narrow more quickly.
- Due to high blood pressure.
- Due to obesity.
- Due to smoking
- Due to mental thoughts.
- People who have a history of heart disease at a young age
Note for Heart Patients
Remember that this disease is more common. Remember that heart diseases are also hereditary are
Due to server blood deficiency (because this way the heart does not get enough oxygen)
Symptoms Heart Pains
The patient has severe dull pain on the left side of the eye many times the area of pain feels as if some on is pressing on it . the patient only feels the burden and let it go. Most people think of this pressure as gas or etc.
HY is this done to them? The patient also has palpitations and anxiety and the face becomes yellow and nervousness is felt. The duration of the pain usually lasts from one to 10 minutes and gets better after resting, but in patients who have heart problems.
The arteries are more narrowed, they are not relived even by rest.
Checkup of Angina pectoris patient:
When the doctor sees the patient such patients appear very worried and stressed are and complain above
Test of Heart For (heart pains)
Many types of test done for this disease
E-C-G (ECG) of Heart Pain
Some patients have a normal ECG during a seizure attack. If this is the case, it is all that the pain is of a very slight nature and has not yet developed, but is often due to an abnormal condition within the heart. Left bundle on ECG To look left block
Stress Tread mail Electrocardiography (stress Treadmill ECG)
If a patient develops chest pain after going little physical. Such patients do not need to undergo, this test but should undergoan immediate follow-up angiogram. In S.T ECG, the patient is put on a machine to find out ho much physical exertion he can do with out pain and thus the doctor known how well the patient’s heart is doing out of order.
- Thallium Scanning
In this test , scans of the taken and the arteries of the heart are seen how much they are narrow .
- 2-D Echocardiogram
It looks at the size of the heart valves and the condition of heart muscle and how much water has accumulated inside the outer membrane of the heart called the pericardium
- Coronary angiographies
Done by injecting dye into the arteries of the heart to measure the narrowing of the arteries. Find out exactly.
Treatment Of Heart Pains
There are three main methods of treatment in this disease:
- Changes in the patient ‘s daily life
- Treatment with Drugs(medicine)
- Surgery if surgery is needed.
Changes in the patient’s daily life
Such patients must make positive changes in their life, for example if the patient is addicated to smoking , give it up if you have diabetes. Keep it under control. Arrange a morning walk. Keep blood pressure normal and avoid all foods according to that increase cholesterol.
Treatment with median
Which Conditions Medicine is Needed
It is one of the valuable medicines for myopathy in heart diseases. The patient feels as if someone has pressed the heart with clay. Jaundice on the face panic is the leading symptoms of this If this medicine is called a tonic for salive. It will be lifeless. It can be given in every heart disease. Its continuous use cleans the drains. In case of seizure, if the patient becomes unconscious, this medicine is inhaled. The patient regains consciousness.
In case of pain, mix it with water and take one sip every five minutes it will be relaxing. Heart palpitations with very repaid movements and sharp pains are symptoms this medicine in suefult is a very in this disease. Feels the beat in all gyms. Shortness of breath
Surgery of Heart (after Heart Pains)
Coronary angioplasty of Heart
In this surgery , a stent is placed inside the coronary arteries and expanded like a ballon to the obstruction is removed.
By Pass of Heart Major Heart Surgery
In this surgery, the surgeon takes a vein from the patient’s leg one end is taken out and attached to the front of the obstructed part of the heart artery. In this way It becomes possible to supply adequate amount of blood to the heart again. Bypass surgery is usually needed again after 9 to 10 years.
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