Blood pressure problem

Introduction of hypotension
(Low Blood Pressure )When the upper systolic pressure of the body is more then 110mm/hg and the lower diastolic pressure is less then 70 mm/hg so its called hypotension (low blood pressure ). It is not a diseases it is just a condition of the body which is depends on some situations
Reasons (Etiology) of Hypotension
- Due to sadness and stress
- Due to blood flow.
- Due to low body fluids.
- After any long term illness
- Due to the continuation of menses for a long time or for many days.
- Due to low blood in body
- Due to servere burns body fluids are reduced in case of burns .
- Due for blood poisoning.
- Due to kidney failure
- Small blood vessels called capillaries become dilated in the body. So the patient blood pressure decreases.
Symptoms of low blood pressure
- In severe cases, fainting occurs
- The colur of the patuebt turnd yellow
- Hand and feet of pationet becom cold
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting may occur and cold sweats may occur
- Breating become faster.
- Dizzy
Note for Hypertriton
If the patient’s blood pressure remains low for a long time , then the kidney get damaged and the thus the amount of urea in the blood increase which is a sign of dangerous stroke. If the blood pressure is low give the patient salt water. In severe cases , drip is necessary, dextrose saline is usuallu used .
Important Request for the patients
People whose blood pressure is low should go for a walk early in the morning in an open and airy place . in such cases , they should drink healthy drops and juices to restore physical strength and get plenty of oxygen, but at the same time, eat without hunger it is important to eat so that digestion is not disturbed because if the digestion is disturbed , many problems can arise along with this disease.
Treatment for Hypotension
If it’s not clear what’s producing low blood pressure or no treatment exists, the goal is to increase blood pressure and decrease symptoms. Depending on age, health and the type of low blood heaviness, there are several ways to do this:
- Use more salt.
Experts usually mention limiting salt (sodium) because it can raise blood pressure, sometimes intensely. For people with low blood pressure, however, that can be a good thing. But too much sodium can lead to heart failure, especially in older adults. So it’s important to check with a health care provider before increasing salt.
- Drink more water.
Fluids increase blood volume and help prevent dehydration, both of which are important in treating hypotension.
- Wear compression stockings.
Also called support stockings, these elastic stockings are commonly used to relieve the pain and swelling of varicose veins. They improve blood flow from the legs to the heart. Some people tolerate elastic abdominal binders better than they do compression stockings.
- Medications.
Several drugs are available to treat low blood pressure that occurs when standing up (orthostatic hypotension). For example, the drug fludrocortisone boosts blood volume. It’s often used to treat orthostatic hypotension.
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